SPARK Episode 1: Will Reynolds (Copy)

In the first episode of Energy Terminal’s SPARK series where we highlight Gen Zers working in energy, we talk to William Reynolds, a recent college graduate with extensive experience in clean tech startups and environmental work. Will took a non-traditional path to get to where he is today, moving away from his home in New Zealand at age 17 to work for startups in San Francisco, London, and China. His desire to work in technology began with a fear that the trajectory of biotech and AI could lead to a dystopian future for society, but he soon realized that climate underpinned our success in just about everything. He then decided to pursue his degree at Duke University, but is now back to his startup work with Cemvita, a Houston-based biotech company. Will tells us about his unique work experiences, but also shares his thoughts on individual action, gives tips for how to get involved in startups, and explains the importance of everyone linking their careers to the environment.

Resources mentioned:



-Taking a non-traditional career path

-Effect of individual vs. systemic action on climate change

-How and why you should tie your passions/career to energy and climate


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Episode 30: Building Energy Infrastructure through Equitable Investment with Brendan Duval (Copy)


Episode 29: EV Charging Challenges and Solutions with Cathy Zoi (Copy)